Rita Dunston, Ed.D.
Phone: 540-654-1063
Email: rdunston@umw.edu
Primary duties:
Rita directly oversees the operations of the Office of the Registrar, including registration, transcripts and degree completion, and is responsible for maintaining the records of all undergraduate and graduate students.
Kevin Caffrey, Ed.D.
Senior Associate Registrar
Phone: 540-654-5864
Email: kcaffrey@umw.edu
Primary duties:
Kevin reviews all MBA, MED, MS, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, and Geographic Information Science Certificate degree candidates for final approval for graduation, assists with production of each semester’s Schedule of Classes, and serves as the primary contact for UMW’s Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM) system and catalog edits.
Angie Lynch
Associate Registrar for Administration and Enrollment
Phone: 540-654-1256
Email: alynch3@umw.edu
Primary duties:
Angie works with the faculty throughout the year with production of each semester’s Schedule of Classes, and continues to maintain courses and enrollment limits as directed by the academic departments. Angie’s position is also responsible for scheduling and administering student aid assistance for the office.
Brian Ogle
Associate Registrar for Student Systems
Phone: 540-654-1258
Email: bogle5vu@umw.edu
Primary duties:
Brian works closely with the University Data Management for student data reporting, oversees the degree clearance team for candidates of all undergraduate degrees, with the exception of Bachelor of Liberal Studies, and maintains the student information system and degree evaluation systems (Banner SSB and Degree Works).
Sharon Williams
Assistant Registrar for Degree Audit
BA/BS Degrees
Phone: 540-654-1255
Email: swilli28@umw.edu
Primary duties:
Sharon maintains Degree Applications for students in the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science programs. She reviews those degree candidates for final approval for graduation and works closely with faculty advisors who provide guidance for graduating seniors.
Reina Hammer
Assistant Registrar for Academic Success
Phone: 540-654-1259
Email: rhammer@umw.edu
Primary duties:
Reina is the primary point-of-contact for instructor-initiated drops; grade changes; incompletes; major and minor declarations; curricular exceptions (majors and minors); and withdrawals, leaves of absence, and cancellations. In addition, Reina supports curricular updates in the degree evaluation system, and reviews Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education degree candidates for final approval for graduation.
Patricia Sarkuti
Veterans Liaison/Transfer Credit Coordinator
Phone: 540-654-2140
Email: psarkuti@umw.edu
Primary duties:
Patricia issues pre-authorization for students wishing to enroll in course at other institutions and receive transfer credit at UMW. She evaluates all incoming transcripts for students in the BA/BS/BLS program and enters study abroad evaluations onto the student’s transcript. As a School Certifying Official, she is the primary contact for BA and BS students who use veteran benefits (except the Chapter 31 Veteran Readiness and Employment program).
Elizabeth Sanders
Enrollment Services Assistant
Phone: 540-654-5650
Email: esanders@umw.edu
Primary duties:
Elizabeth completes enrollment requests, updates student addresses, assists with Continuing and Professional Studies registration, and processes enrollment verifications and transcript requests for current and past students as needed.
Ryan Hastings
Military-Affiliated Student Support Specialist
Phone: 540-654-5853
Email: rhasting@umw.edu
Primary duties:
Ryan serves as the primary point of contact for military-affiliated students, the UMW Student Veteran Association, and the Veterans Resource Center. As a School Certifying Official, he is the primary contact for BLS, BSN, certificate students, and graduate students who use veterans benefits, as well as any student participating in the Chapter 31 Veteran Readiness and Employment program or using Chapter 1606 – Selected Reserve benefits.
Ashley Galera
Academic Records Specialist
Phone: 540-654-5988
Email: agalera@umw.edu
Primary duties:
Ashley handles special enrollments and creates individual study and internship registration records and maintains student records. She is also responsible for the maintenance of the Registrar’s website.