Academic Advising Handbook
The university’s Academic Advising Handbook is designed as a “best practices” guide for the myriad of advising situations that you might encounter as an academic advisor. Our goal is to create a positive and uniform advising experience for all students regardless of their particular situation and background.
Academic Advising Handbook 2022
EAB Navigate
We are here to assist you in using EAB Navigate
EAB Navigate functions as a repository for your advising reports, provides a platform for online appointment management, scheduling with students, and offers you access to powerful data analytics. Below is a video guide and helpful PDF materials which might benefit you in supporting our UMW students.
Explore our EAB Navigate PDF How To Guides
Enter Campaign Availability and Run a Campaign Actively reach out to specific students for scheduling an appointment with you through CAMPAIGNS. This function is great for REGISTRATION ADVISING.
Add Appointment Summaries and Report on Appointments Takes the place of NOTES and serves as an official advising record.
Enter Appointments and Drop-ins Availability Digitally post your OFFICE HOURS and control when and for what reason(s) a student may meet with you.
Sync Outlook with the EAB Calendar Get your work calendar talking to the EAB calendar to safeguard your schedule from double-booking.
Execute an Advanced Search Helpful for identifying subgroups of students based on specific criteria.
Text Message a Student Helpful to quickly contact an individual student with highly targeted, must-respond information or question.