Calculus Readiness Exam

Exam info:

The Calculus Readiness Exam is designed for those students who either want or need to take MATH 121: Calculus I at UMW.  Students that have prior credit for Calculus—either through an AP exam or transfer coursework—do not need to take this exam:  simply enroll in the next Calculus course for which you have the prerequisites.  Students wishing to enroll in MATH 121: Calculus I should take this brief multiple-choice test to make sure they have the algebra and trigonometry skills needed for success in Calculus I.  If not, students will be advised to enroll in MATH 111: Precalculus before taking Calculus I.  This exam is purely advisory and non-binding:  there are no prerequisites for enrolling in MATH 121.

UMW assistant professor Julius Esunge teaches a summer science Institute course with UMW students and area high school students. (Photo by Norm Shafer).

Testing dates:

Open all the time, never shuts down.

Calculus test link:

Contact Information:

Julius Esunge, chair, Department of Mathematics