Chemistry Assessment Instructions

You must complete the chemistry assessment before you can be registered for General Chemistry (CHEM 111), Foundations of Chemistry (CHEM 101), or Mathematics 120.

This assessment is only necessary for students planning to enroll in chemistry courses. This includes the following intended courses of study: biology, environmental science (all tracks), chemistry, climate science minor, geology (all tracks), neuroscience minor, pre-conservation in fine art minor, pre-medical studies (including physician’s assistant track), pre-veterinary studies.  If you do not intend to pursue one of these courses of study you do not need to take this assessment.

You only need to complete the assessment once, and we encourage you to take it now. This will make it easier to register for classes in the future.

Nicole Crowder, assistant professor of chemistry works with students on a research project. (Photo by Norm Shafer).

How To Take the Assessment:

  • Access the assessment using the following link – Chemistry Assessment
  • Log in using your UMW username and password
  • Click on the “Enroll In Course” button
  • Then click the “Go to the Course” button
  • Read the instructions carefully, open the periodic table link, and click the yellow button to begin the test.


Helpful Information

How to Interpret the Results

The table below shows the recommended course to register for based on your score and either SAT or ACT math scores.

Test Score MATH SAT MATH ACT Recommended Starting Course
20 or below Any Any MATH 120*
21 – 30 Any Any CHEM 101
31 or above Any Any CHEM 111

*For Fall 2024, incoming new students will be registered for a specific section of MATH 120 designed to prepare students for success in an introductory chemistry course.

Please note that the scores are not automatically reported to Banner.   Please allow at least 3 days (not including weekends) for the scores to be processed.  Do not email the registrar’s office or chemistry department to inquire about a chemistry score upload to Banner. 

In Case of Problems or Questions

Problems with Login?

Contact the UMW Help Desk ( or 540-654-2255)

Questions about the test?

Contact Professor Kelli Slunt (