Accommodations and Oral Communication Assignments
While it is possible for a student to be ruled exempt from completing the SI graduation requirement, it is likely that the student will be required to take a course designated as SI for other requirements. This includes SI courses that are specific to major programs, as is required by the General Education Curriculum. Students with disabilities seeking accommodations for oral communication-related assignments should register with the Office of Disability Resources (ODR), and must provide appropriate documentation of disability, with a clear connection to the functional impact they are facing from a licensed provider when accommodations are provided. This protocol, and these resources, should also be utilized for courses that are not designated as SI, but which contain oral communication-related assignments and/or activities.
Alternate Assignments and SI Learning Outcomes
If ODR determines that a student should receive Alternative Assignments for Oral Presentation/Participation, it is recommended that the instructor meet with the student to discuss the selection of the appropriate alternative assignment and its implementation. Instructors should reference the document Alternative Assignments for Oral Presentation/Participation Guidance ( that is available on the ODR website. The instructor can consult with the Director of the Office of Disability Resources and the Directors of the Speaking Intensive Program and the Speaking Center to discuss any questions or advice about alternative assignments and support for the student and instructor.