March 1788 at Valley Forge
March 1813 Maria at school in Richmond
1-[5] March 1794 Elizabeth and Eliza Monroe in New York City (JM in Philadelphia)
2 March 1803 appointed minister extraordinary to Spain
4 March 1793 attended inauguration of George Washington
4 March 1817 inaugurated as president
4 March 1825 end of presidency
5 March 1821 inaugurated for second term as president
8 March 1788 sold farm in King George County, VA
8 March 1803 sailed from New York for France
9 March 1820 Maria Hester Monroe married Samuel Gouverneur
15 March 1815 resigned as secretary of war
16 March 1816 nominated for president by Republican congressional caucus
23 March 1802 attended meeting of board of visitors at the College of Wm & Mary
25 March 1825 left Washington and retired to Oak Hill
30 March 1819 began tour of southern states
March 1804 declined appointment as governor of Louisiana Territory
March 1810 declined appointment as governor of Louisiana Territory