What is the Role of Student Leaders?
Student Leaders run our UMW Alternative Service Break programs, often in teams of two. Student Leaders work closely with the Center for Community Engagement (CCE) staff to ensure that all experiences fulfill our mission. CCE staff help train and advise student trip leaders and support trip leaders as they develop trip itineraries. They work together to determine budgets and promote and recruit for the overall program.
ASB trips always include a UMW staff member who travels with the group, acts as a chaperone on the trip, and manages the UMW credit card. This staff person usually meets with the larger ASB group in the month leading up to the trip.
Become an ASB Trip Leader
ASB trip leaders plan and lead each alternative break trip. They juggle varied and exciting responsibilities including recruiting participants, planning itineraries, and facilitating reflection. You may also find yourself creating travel playlists, shopping for large tubs of peanut butter, and driving University vans to the worksite. There is a lot to do, and we need your help!
Applications to become an ASB trip leader open in the summer. A post on our Instagram page @asbmuw will be made when applications open.
Be a Driver
On each trip, the staff person and students drive UMW vans to travel to their ASB location. We aim to have at least three-four student drivers per trip to allow drivers to alternate and take breaks. Students must undergo and pass the Van Familiarization course to drive UMW vehicles. Eligibility requirements and more details about the Van Familiarization course can be found here.