COAR Staff Director
Khushi Constance is a senior Marketing major with a minor in Entrepreneurship. Here at UMW, Khushi loves cooking, hanging out with friends, and traveling. Her favorite COAR annual event is Head Start Wrapping Party.
Hometown: Falls Church, Virginia
COAR Staff
Knox McKinley is a sophomore double majoring in Sociology and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality studies. He is currently COAR’s Intern Mentor. When Knox isn’t in the COAR office or in class, he is always listening to music. Knox’s favorite COAR event is Head Start Gift Wrapping Party.
Hometown: Loudon County, Virginia
Jillian Vargas is a sophomore International Affairs major and Security and Conflict studies minor pursuing a certificate in GIS. She loves the beach, going thrifting, and exploring new places. Jillian is COAR’s Social Media Manager and her favorite annual event is Good Neighbor Day.
Hometown: Chesapeake, Virginia
Sarah Hybl is a junior English major with a Secondary Education Licensure. She is Counsel Liaison here at COAR and is also a counsel leader for Stafford Junction. She enjoys reading, writing, and traveling in her free time. Sarahs favorite COAR event is Head Start Wrapping Party.
Hometown: Spotsylvania, Virginia
Ainsley Lord is a sophomore double major studying Environmental Science and Conservation Biology. Her position at COAR is Special Projects, but can be found baking, crocheting, or listening to music in her down time. Her favorite COAR event is Good Neighbor Day.
Hometown: Williamsburg, Virginia