The Academic Experience
Guided by its learning outcomes, the UMW Honors Program seeks to enable highly motivated students to have a broad liberal arts education with enriching academic experiences that may include multiple fields of study; to allow students to complete major(s), minor(s), and/or pre-professional requirements; and to have rich honors cohort experiences.
Engaged, active learning is a hallmark of our academic experience, whether in small, challenging Honors courses; our service learning program; an internship related to the student’s field of study or future career; or the capstone project’s self-directed research or creative work. Honors-designated courses at Mary Washington are found across the disciplines and may also fulfill requirements for General Education or a student’s specific academic programs.
Completion of the Honors Program requirements will be recognized at graduation and indicated on the transcript as “University Honors.” Note that departmental Honors, Latinate honors, and other forms of distinction are distinct from the Honors Program, though Honors Scholars may well earn each kind. Honors in each discipline will still be administered by academic departments based on requirements they determine (see individual departments for details).