UMW Student Records Policy ( FERPA and Educational Records)
Describes what is meant by educational records and what rights are afforded to students with respect to their educational records. It also specifies which individuals or organizations have access to educational records.
UMW Personnel Records Disclosure Policy (from the DHRM Policies & Procedures Manual)
This policy contains the guidelines for accessing and releasing employees’ personal information which is maintained by state agencies.
Information Technologies Policies, Standards, and Guidelines at UMW
A comprehensive set of policies, standards and procedures designed to safeguard the university’s data from unauthorized access, modification, or dissemination and to ensure its availability, confidentiality and integrity. Among others, these policies and documents include the university’s Data Classification Standard, the Administrative Data Access Policy, and the Electronic Storage of Highly Sensitive Data Policy.
Effective July 1, Virginia House Bill 1 (HB1), Code of Virginia section 23.1-405(C), prohibits a university from disclosing a student’s email address, physical address or telephone number under the exception in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) for directory information or the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) unless the student has affirmatively consented in writing to the disclosure.
VITA IT System and Data Classification Policy
The purpose of this policy is to create a prescriptive set of process and procedures, aligned with applicable COV IT security policy and standards, to ensure the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA) develops, disseminates, and updates the IT System and Data Classification Policy. This policy and procedure establishes the minimum requirements for the IT System and Data Classification Policy.
Data Standards Version
Documents the data coding and processing standards which are necessary for maintaining an accurate and functional record database for the University.
AACRAO’s Guide to the Solomon Amendment
Explains how colleges and universities are required to comply with the final regulations of the Solomon Amendment which mandates that colleges and universities must supply military recruiters with directory information about students upon request. Failure to comply with this Congressional Amendment could result in the loss of federal funding including various forms of Federal Student Aid.
UMW Policies regarding the Freedom of Information Act
Explains how the University of Mary Washington complies with the Freedom of Information Act and specifies the guidelines for releasing information under the Act
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