Advising Appointments
An academic advisor serves as a student’s primary point of contact for questions relating to academic processes, course registration, and general academic questions.
Please call us at 540-654-1010 to schedule an appointment with Academic Services for any of the following:

- General Education Requirement Questions
- Registration Advising (primary advisor is in Academic Services)
- Transfer Advising
- Suspension Advising
- Reinstatement
- Readmission
Advising appointments are Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm
How to Find your Advisor?
To determine who is your advisor: simply access Banner SSB. Under My Student Profile, select Student and Financial Aid, then My Student Profile. Your advisor is listed at the bottom of your profile page.
Reasons to schedule with your primary advisor:
- Registration Advising (typically with your primary advisor)
- Probation Advising
- General Advising
Note: If the University is closed, appointments for that day are cancelled. If the University opens on a delay or closes early, appointments prior to the opening and after the closing are cancelled. It is the responsibility of the student to reschedule in these circumstances.