Scheduling Instructions
If you have any questions please reach out to Speaking and Writing Center at 540-654-5653 or email
Scheduling Instructions:
Go to You will be taken to the usual UMW SSO page and then redirected. The first time you login you will be asked to register– after the first time, you will be taken directly to the schedule.
Choose the schedule you want from the welcome page; in this case, choose Peer Tutoring.
White spaces indicate open appointments. Click on a white space on the day and time you wish to make an appointment and the appointment form will open.
The dates shown will be for the seven days.
If you want to schedule an appointment beyond the dates shown on the screen, use the arrow next to “Next Week” to advance the schedule or choose a specific date using the calendar.
Appointments default to 30 minutes; however, if you would like to schedule a 60-minute appointment, simply change the end time.
If your consultant is not available for a full hour due to another appointment or the end of shift, the system will not allow you to complete the booking.
Complete the questions on the appointment form; red asterisks indicate required fields.
If you would like to provide your consultant with any documents before the appointment (i.e. assignment instructions, drafts, etc.), you can attach those at the bottom of the appointment form. You can also return to the appointment form up to one hour before the start of your appointment to add these documents.
At the bottom of the form, click the blue “Create Appointment” button. The appointment space should now be yellow on the screen– a yellow space indicates that is your appointment.
If someone else has booked an appointment at a time you would like, you may put yourself on the waitlist by clicking on “Waiting List” below the schedule for the day and completing that form. Should someone cancel an appointment for that day and time, you will be notified by email.
Wait lists are first come, first serve. The system will email everyone on the waitlist in the event that the appointment time opens and whomever “gets there first” will be able to schedule the appointment.
If you need to modify or cancel your appointment, you can return to the schedule, click on the yellow space, and change or cancel the appointment.