FSEM 100G4 | Race and Revolution


The U.S. Civil Rights Movement was a response to a world structured by rules, institutions, and beliefs centering around race. White supremacy may be a widely discredited notion today, but our world is still largely shaped by four centuries of unapologetic racial ideology, conquest, slavery, and colonialism. In this course, we will explore the life and work of James Farmer, an exemplary leader of the U.S. Civil Rights Movement who taught at Mary Washington during the 1990s, the historical background to the black freedom revolution, and its ongoing relevance to our contemporary dialogues, interactions, and policies about race in the U.S. We will investigate the history of the concept of race and its impact on how we perceive ourselves and the world.



This FSEM counts as an Honors-designated class.

Photo of Suzanne Sumner, Professor of Mathematics

Suzanne Sumner, Professor of Mathematics

Why would I, a mathematician, want to teach a course about race and the Civil Rights Movement? I offer this question as extra credit for students in my first-year seminar section, with the hint: “Maybe it runs in the family…” Aside from that one big reason, many smaller reasons abound. I love the interdisciplinary nature of the course – this first-year seminar epitomizes the best of a liberal arts education. I love the content of the course – the readings and films are fascinating and thought-provoking. I love how the University of Mary Washington honors James Farmer’s legacy as one of the great leaders of the Civil Rights Movement. And I love working with first-year students, helping them learn to navigate the college environment. This seminar will open your eyes and make you rethink everything you thought you knew about the Civil Rights movement!

Approach to teaching this FSEM -
We will approach this section of the Race & Revolution first-year seminar from a leadership perspective. Students will investigate a contemporary issue of their choosing and learn the steps involved in investigating the problem and creating action plans to solve the problem.

Photo of Kristin Marsh, Professor of Sociology

Kristin Marsh, Professor of Sociology

Kristin Marsh received her Ph.D. in sociology from Emory University, where she specialized in political economy/political sociology and with research focusing on comparative processes of conflict and compromise in revolutionary social movements. Revisiting a long-standing interest in gender and work, her current research explores the experience of achievement and family/work issues for women in advanced sociology careers. She teaches courses on the history of social theory, economic and social inequality, aging & society, gender & work, and introductory courses in women’s studies and feminism. Professor Marsh is Chair of the Department of Sociology & Anthropology and Affiliated Faculty in Women’s & Gender Studies.