UMW Blogs: It Won’t Stop Growing!

File this under arbitrary stats about UMW Blogs. The traffic on UMW Blogs has been really high out of the gate this semester, so I wanted to see what the first two weeks of traffic for the Spring semester looks like compared to the first two weeks of the Fall Semester. The increase is nontrivial.

So I submit this for your consideration.

During the first two weeks of the Fall 2012 semester UMW Blogs had 82,416 visits (61,745 unique) and 189,618 pageviews.

1st 2 weeks Fall 2012

During the first two weeks of the Spring 2013 semester UMW Blogs had 124,823 visits (98,079 unique) and 258,509 pageviews.

Screen Shot 2013-01-28 at 5.55.27 PM


One day I hope to  actually have an understanding of what any of this means, but right now I will interpret it as part of my general awesomeness.

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